Oi Intercarneitalia: "common sense supported by technical-scientific data prevailed"
“With the exclusion of cattle farming from Directive 2010/75/EU, discussed in last night's European Trilogue, common sense prevailed, supported by technical-scientific data, which we did not miss in the three appeals sent to all MEPs, during all phases of discussion of the provision, in the Agriculture Commission, Environment Commission and European Parliament" - this was the immediate comment of the President of Oi Intercarneitalia, Alessandro De Rocco, upon learning the good news.
It was a real marathon with favorable votes in the Agriculture Committee and in the plenary of the European Parliament and an unfavorable one in the Environment Committee - a vote taken for granted due to the strong ideological drive that guided many members, led by the Executive Vice President of the European Commission for the Green Deal, Frans Timmermans.
I would like to thank all those who have worked to avoid this further bureaucratic drain on our breeding companies - continues De Rocco - and in particular, the members of the newly formed European Association SELMA, who have shared the appeals addressed to the respective Governments (Spain, France, Greece, Belgium, Poland) so that the Trilogue had a favorable outcome.
The action of the Italian Government, with Ministers Lollobrigida and Pichetto Fratin, was important and decisive and the work carried out by the MEP Paolo De Castro was excellent, acting as the glue for the decisive votes that led to the exclusion of cattle farming from the Directive.
We know that the exams are not over – concludes De Rocco – since those who were defeated in the ideological action launched against cattle breeding will certainly return to office, but will find our sector ready to provide data and technical-scientific information, capable of overturn any attempt to demonize beef farming.
Oh Intercarneitalia
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