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Terre di Cosenza PDO at school for wine tourism

4 Seasons' Wine Trips, the Consortium's Plan

11, Dec 2023

After the training project in 11 Calabrian hotel institutes, aimed at students and 250 operators in the sector, the Consortium's new challenge for 2024 is to increase visits to the cellar even out of season and the demand for wines in wine shops, wine bars and restaurants.

In Rome the presentation of the territory during the pre-Christmas dinner of the Gist Lazio (Italian Tourist Press Group). Paired with the menu of chef Nello Grande from "The Great Gatsby", 12 Cosenza labels for tasting from 12 wineries, featuring native vines: magliocco dolce, pecello, guarnaccia, odoraca, greco bianco, montonico and other varieties of the rich Calabrian ampelographic heritage.

The president of the PDO Terre di Cosenza Consortium, Demetrio Stancati: “Our rural territories, rich in villages, art and typical products, are a winning resource for attracting tourists to the cellar all year round. From the producers the commitment to increase the wine tourism offer of Cosentino. We are ready".

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