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European funds for the promotion of Italian PDO/PGI products at risk

European Commission proposes discriminatory criteria for the promotion of sausages, red meat and wine

27, Oct 2022

The decisive vote of the Committee of Member States which will decide the outcome of the 2023 Annual Work Program for the promotion of agricultural and food products will be held in Brussels on Friday 28 October. In contradiction with the declaration made by the Agri-Fish Council in February 2022, the proposal received by the European Commission risks endangering important Italian PDO PGI agri-food products exported all over the world. In fact, among the criteria for promotion, the EU Commission has inserted stringent requirements for certain categories of products such as red meat and its derivatives, wine and spirits.

To avert this danger, the vote against by some still undecided countries, such as France and Spain, will be decisive, in order to create a common and compact front that is able to reach an important qualified majority, both in terms of number of States. members of both the total population.

Italy has the task of continuing to maintain its position of clear opposition to the discrimination of certain products, which are now the object of attack by numerous European agri-food policies. The approval of this proposal would, in fact, result in a strong penalty for emblematic products of the Italian food and wine culture, appreciated and sold all over the world as symbols of Made in Italy.

Many operators in the PDO PGI sector would be penalized, for which promotional campaigns represent a vital tool for creating new market opportunities and providing support for the consolidation of existing businesses. Considerable damage that would affect the image of Italy and its products, as well as the economic contribution of the Italian quality supply chain. For these reasons, oriGIn Italia promptly took action with the new Minister Francesco Lollobrigida to ask for clear opposition in the vote of the Annual Work Program.

“We promptly reported the problem to the new Minister - declares Cesare Baldrighi, President of oriGIn Italia - asking to vote against the proposal of the Commission of the Annual Promotion Program in the meeting on Friday 28 October. A first strong proof of commitment for the new Minister Lollobrigida in order to avoid the umpteenth penalisation of some fundamental supply chains such as those of PDO IGP hams and cured meats, as well as for the wine sector, which precisely through the promotion programs has managed to carve out an important space on international markets ".

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