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Aquaculture. Eurostat: Italy in fourth place for EU production

In 2022, fish species worth over 1 mln tons in total and worth EUR 4.9 bn were farmed

01, May 2024

According to Eurostat, in 2022, aquatic organisms with a total weight of approximately 1.08 million tonnes, worth EUR 4.9 billion, were farmed in the European Union. Aquaculture involves the controlled cultivation of fish, molluscs, seaweed and crustaceans. In the same year, four EU countries together accounted for about two-thirds (67%) of the total production of aquatic organisms farmed: Spain (25%), France (17%), Greece (13%) and Italy (12%).

lml - 40348
Lussemburgo, 30/04/2024 15:17
EFA News - European Food Agency

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