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Confcommercio: Italians want neighbourhood shops back

Sudio Swg, desertification worries: 60% buy long-life food in superstores

31, Jul 2024

Italians want to live in neighborhoods where there are more local businesses, because these strengthen communities, according to 64%, because they make people feel safer (57%) and because they increase the value of homes (up to 26% more). The closure of shops, then, worries and saddens citizens, especially in the North and in medium-sized cities, who clearly perceive which types of goods are at greatest risk. This is what emerges, in extreme synthesis, from a survey carried out by Confcommercio in collaboration with SWG as part of the Cities project, which deals with combating commercial desertification in Italian cities and developing the social value of local economies.

Fc - 42815
Roma, RM, Italia, 29/07/2024 23:30
EFA News - European Food Agency

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