Published in the Official Journal of the European Union the COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2022/2587 of 18 August 2022 which confirms the minimum size of the sea clam (Venus spp.) at 22 mm in Italian territorial waters until 31 December 2025
Once again the not perfectly "loyal" opposition registered in the European field by a member state has been won. The Alliance of Fishing Cooperatives of Emilia-Romagna gives the news. "It is a measure introduced in 2017 on the basis of a complex procedure strongly desired by the category - declare Massimo Bellavista, Patrizia Masetti and Vadis Paesanti - and convincedly supported by the Italian Government which immediately accepted and shared the proposal made by the Alliance of Cooperatives.” Both the Advisory Council for the Mediterranean Sea (MEDAC) and the STECF (Comitato Tecnico Scientifico e Economico della Pesca) have confirmed the full sustainability of the measure over the years, and also in 2022. On the basis of these assessments, the European Commission has, therefore, considering the existence of the conditions for a further three-year extension, until 31 December 2025. "Today's result - reads the note from the Alliance of Fishing Cooperatives of Emilia-Romagna - is proof of the concrete possibility of obtaining results positive for the seafarers, albeit within the framework of a very articulated European discipline aimed at combining the various aspects of sustainability, interpreted in a not always balanced way, along the path of which the different positions of the various Member States sometimes clash in a not "fair" way ." Circumstance which also occurred in this case, during the examination of the text by the European Parliament, which saw a Mediterranean country particularly ularly fierce in an attempt to block a measure which, as mentioned, had all the trappings of sustainability. However, the "country system" has demonstrated once again that with teamwork any result is possible. The European regulatory framework for fishing has introduced a minimum size for fishing for clams of the Venus genus which includes the Chamelea gallina species, fished by the two fishing consortia present in Emilia-Romagna for a total fleet of 54 boats. Scientific studies promoted by the Consortia have shown that in the northern Adriatic, due to the changed climatic and environmental conditions, this species of clam hardly reaches the minimum fishing size of 25 mm while maintaining an abundant population of smaller sized clams. The same studies have in fact shown that the reproductive phase, the one considered critical for conservation purposes, is already reached with dimensions of 16 and 17 mm, while above 25 mm there is widespread death. On the basis of these studies, since the entry into force of European legislation, Italy has asked the European Commission for a derogation to reduce the minimum threshold of clams caught in Italian territorial waters to 22 millimetres. The Commission has already granted the derogation twice for the periods 2017-2019 and 2020-2022 and, from 1 January 2023, the extension will continue until 31 December 2025. "Happy New Year to all fishery and seafood producers aquaculture - concludes the note from ACI Pesca Emilia-Romagna - which we will be at their side to continue to defend the category in the various open dossiers on the sustainability of fishing and aquaculture".
Legacoop Agribusiness NI Emilia-Romagna
AGCI Agrital Emilia-Romagna
Confcooperative FedAgriPesca Emilia-Romagna
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