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Blue crab, meeting in Veneto Region on employment issues

Donazzan and Corazzari, 'an emergency for the sector and the ecosystem, promptness and strategies are needed to avoid the loss of skills and social discomfort'

08, Nov 2023

A meeting called by the Councilor for Labor Elena Donazzan was held yesterday at the regional headquarters at the request of the Parties on the employment problems arising from the critical situation generated by the blue crab in the Polesine area.

The meeting saw the participation of the Polesine Fishermen's Cooperative Consortium, Confcooperative Fedagri, Legacoop Agroalimentare, Impresa Pesca Coldiretti, AMA and the trade union organisations, Flai Cgil, Fai Cisl and Uila Pesca. Present with Councilor Donazzan, assisted by the company crisis unit, was the regional councilor for fisheries Cristiano Corazzari.

The Parties illustrated the complex situation affecting the Polesine area and the fishing activities carried out by the 14 cooperatives belonging to the consortium.

During the meeting, the aid already arranged by the government and recently made available by the decree of the Minister of Agriculture and the new aid currently being planned were recalled. “The damage caused in recent months by the blue crab in our waters is truly enormous and the repercussions on the fishing sector, in particular aquaculture, have been heavy. This is a sector that employs 1500 fishermen and produces excellent products - explains the regional councilor for Fisheries Cristiano Corazzari -. The Region immediately committed itself to combating this new invasive species: an emergency plan was approved with Veneto Agricoltura, the regional operational arm. We are once again asking for the declaration of a state of emergency, a fundamental step to allow the activation of social safety net tools for the workers of the Consortium, to respond to the cut in production suffered in recent months".

“This emergency - underlined councilor Donazzan - has generated the destruction of an ecosystem and therefore of the "raw materials" that guaranteed the life of a sector considered a Venetian excellence. The employment implications of this situation are very complex because they concern workers with different classifications and statuses: on the one hand, employees for whom social safety nets can be used, which differ according to the sector they belong to, industry or fishing, and on the other, self-employed workers. , who represent the vast majority of employees, over 1400, for whom the use of these tools is not admissible".

The discussion between the parties present at the table highlighted that it is necessary to immediately identify solutions to bring the situation back to normal as quickly as possible. In the next few days the discussion between the Parties will expand to the homologous ones that refer to the Goro area in Emilia Romagna which is suffering from the emergency with proportions similar to those of Polesine.

“It is essential to secure workers and their income, otherwise we will lose important skills, at the same time we need to provide solutions for restoring environmental balance. We will deepen the discussion with the councilors for Work and Fisheries of Emilia Romagna and will shortly reconvene the Venetian table", concludes councilor Donazzan.

Press office of the Veneto Region Council

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