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Export USA Training Course of the Ministry of Health and IZS of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna

Satisfaction from representatives of the manufacturing world

24, May 2024

An important three-day training session for the export of meat and pork products to the USA took place in Rimini starting from May 21st. The training moment, organized by the Ministry of Health and the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, saw the participation of over 70 official veterinarians from all over Italy and numerous representatives of exporting companies in the United States. The export of agri-food products to third countries, and in particular to the USA, represents one of the most important issues on which the activity of the Ministry of Health and in particular of the General Directorate for hygiene, food safety and nutrition is concentrated , in close collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Washington which was also present at the event with the remote interventions of the Agri-food Attaché. The shared objective is to promote exports by guaranteeing access to markets by respecting the bilateral agreements signed with foreign authorities regarding health requirements.

ASSICAASSOCARNIUNAITALIAUNICEBUNIONFOOD e i Consorzi di tutela del Prosciutto di Parma e del Prosciutto di San Daniele

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