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MEatSCHOOL establishes itself as the benchmark for training in the meat industry

Electrolux Professional Chef Academy, Zanussi Professional, UMANA and Forma.Temp new partnerships of the Academy

27, May 2024

Knowledge, competence, innovation: this is the strategy of MEatSCHOOL, the Academy dedicated to the training, information and dissemination of the culture of beef, which entered into full swing in 2023, totaling over 200 people trained and 130 students currently underway, including lessons aimed at company staff, aspiring professionals and meat lovers.

Participation in CIBUS 2024 has further consolidated its image as a point of reference for professional training in the meat sector at a national level. Numerous large-scale retail trade (GDO) customers, distributors and producers have shown great interest in the Academy project, confirming that the market increasingly requires professionalism and skills as tools to increase its competitiveness.

Companies, in addition to investing in the training development of their employees, are looking for partners to identify new resources to include in their workforce. In this context, the accreditation obtained by MEatSCHOOL from Forma.Temp, the Fund for the training and income support of temporary workers, is strategic, thus making the school the ideal place for training for temporary workers. This important result was obtained thanks to the collaboration with UMANA - Employment Agency, which will support the Academy in this new training proposal. From today it will therefore be possible to build tripartite paths between UMANA, MEatSCHOOL and companies, to train people before their inclusion in the operational departments.

Also noteworthy are the new partnerships that have recently been signed between the Academy and some leading companies in the catering sector: in this regard, noteworthy is the start of the collaboration with Electrolux Professional Chef Academy, an exclusive and global network created with the objective of growing and strengthening the business of Electrolux customers by accommodating their needs through continuous dialogue and a work-based learning offer based on competence, professionalism and cutting-edge. This collaboration will allow MEatSCHOOL teachers and a team of over 70 culinary mentors from different parts of the Electrolux Academy world to exchange knowledge and continuously experiment, with the aim of making the most of the raw material.

Completing this collaboration is the agreement with Zanussi Professional, which will make its best devices available to the project within the professional kitchen of MEatSCHOOL.

Also worth mentioning is the collaboration, born on the occasion of CIBUS 2024, with Carpigiani Gelato University and with Italpepe. Carpigiani Gelato University, the school in Anzola dell'Emilia (BO) founded by the ice cream machine manufacturer Carpigiani, is dedicated to teaching all over the world how to make "Italian-style" artisanal ice cream. Italpepe is a leader in the Italian spices sector. During an event organized during the fair, "training and innovation" met in the presentation of an innovative combination: the You&Meat meat joke - the brand of Centro Carni Company, the company from Tombolo (PD) adjacent to the training classrooms MEatSCHOOL - was flavored with different spices, from the most traditional Italian to those with oriental influences, and combined with an extraordinary gastronomic ice cream with olive oil and passion fruit.

«The new partnerships that we have managed to forge demonstrate how training on raw materials and the introduction of new skills on the market are also of interest to other sectors, which see a fundamental connection between training and innovation. As MEatSCHOOL we will therefore continue in this direction, with the aim of strengthening our positioning on the market also through an increasingly differentiated training offer tailored to the needs of companies in the supply chain". – Declares Paolo Amedeo Garofalo, Director of MEatSCHOOL.

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