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Rising pig prices and falling costs drive the profitability of pig farming

Slaughter profitability is recovering, while curing still suffers

13, Apr 2024

The dynamics of the profitability of the Italian pig breeding sector was positive in March. The data from Crefis ( show, for the closed cycle, the profitability index rose by 3.1% at the economic level and by 30.4% at the trend level. The new drops in pig feed costs and the simultaneous rise in the prices of slaughter animals played in the favor. In fact, in March, the prices of heavy pigs destined for the protected circuit increased compared to February by 1.7%, reaching 2.098 euro/kg, although remaining below the values recorded last year (-4%) .
Even for farmers engaged in the open cycle, and in particular in sow farms, profitability in March continues to rise: the Crefis index marks +0.3% month on month and +36.7% year on year.
Again, the concomitance of the rising prices of 7 kg piglets (+0.2% compared to February), which in March reached a value of 79.375 euros/head, and the fall in the costs of feed commodities have the profitability index was supported.
Also in March, the profitability trend of the weaning phase was favourable, rising on a monthly basis by 6.8% and 0.4% compared to last year. Also in this case there were increases in the prices of 40kg pigs which reached 3,809 euro/kg (+6.2% compared to February). The prices of 40 kg items were also 4.2% higher than last year.
The profitability of the fattening phase was also good, which in March earned 3.1% on a monthly level and 3.4% compared to 2023.

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