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Quality and Promotion Reform: Success of the Italian System

ASSICA, ISIT and IVSI thank the Italian Government and the Hon. Paolo De Castro for a historic result that was by no means taken for granted

26, Oct 2023

ASSICA (Associazione Industriali delle Carni e dei Salumi), ISIT (Istituto Salumi Italiani Tutelati) and IVSI (Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani) express their deepest satisfaction both for the inter-institutional political agreement reached on 24 October on the reform of the EU regulation on geographical indications and for having obtained - on 25 October - that a new sub-criterion - proposed by the European Commission - for programmes aimed at the EU internal market that discriminated against red and processed meats be removed from the criteria for the allocation of EU promotion funds for the year 2024.

ASSICA – Associazione Industriali delle Carni e dei Salumi
Milanofiori, Strada 4, Palazzo Q8 - 20089 Rozzano (MI)
Tel: 02 892590.1 – Mobile: 346 8734426

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