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Roast Chicken Day: ‘Book a Grandma’ is the theme of the 8th edition

Forlini (Unaitalia): ‘White meats the most popular, accounting for 35% of domestic purchases’

01, Oct 2024

There is no grandmother who has not cooked it (94.3% have done so) and more than 1 in 4 interviewees declares that they owe their recipe to her teachings or her recipe book. Tasty and crunchy, roast chicken is the family dish for 7 out of 10 Italians: in the memories of Italians it is linked to childhood, to mother's cooking (40%) and to Sundays at the grandparents' house (29.5%), but it is also a cultural legacy and a "memory dish" passed down from generation to generation. After lasagna (45.1%), it is in fact the grandmother's dish replicated most often (32.8%); followed by meatballs (29.3%) and egg pasta (16.7%). And 7 out of 10 Italians cook it at least once a month.

This was revealed by an AstraRicerche survey presented in view of the Pollo Arrosto Day 2024, the great social marathon organized by Unaitalia (the national association of white meat producers) which every year on October 2, coinciding with Grandparents' Day, celebrates the most loved meat preparation and one of the symbols of the gastronomic tradition of Italy.

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