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È primavera e c'è il cambio di stagione: i consigli del nutrizionista Donegani

Giorgio Donegani racconta come l’introduzione della carne rossa all’interno di una dieta equilibrata permette di affrontare al meglio il cambio di stagione e i suoi effetti tra cui stanchezza, sonnolenza e irritabilità

23, May 2024

The longed-for spring is finally here. And with it all the discomforts associated with the change of season: insomnia, irritability, fatigue and perpetual sleepiness. How to overcome the symptoms and cope with this transition in the best possible way? Correct nutrition, the choice of top-quality ingredients, good habits and physical activity are the body's perfect allies.

Bord Bia, the Irish government body for the promotion of food & beverage on the Emerald Isle, interviewed Giorgio Donegani, food technologist and expert in nutrition and dietary education, to understand how the introduction of red meat - such as beef and lamb from the Emerald Isle - can help within a balanced diet to best overcome this transition phase.

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