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Wine: harvest at 44 million hectolitres, down 12% on 2022

The harvest forecasts of Assoenologi, ISMEA and Uiv: 2-speed harvest, stable in the North, down in the Centre-South (-27%)

12, Sep 2023

Italian wine production falls just below 44 million hectoliters, down 12% compared to 50 million last year. According to the forecasts of the Assoenologi Observatory, Ismea and the Italian Wine Union (Uiv), presented today at Masaf, 2023 could prove to be the lightest harvest of the last 6 years, once again characterized by the now chronic effects of climate change which, with the related uncertain and often extreme weather patterns (+70% rainy days in the first 8 months of last year) have determined important quantitative differences throughout the country. In fact, it is an Italian vineyard split in half that photographed by the Observatory, which sees the North confirming last year's levels (+0.8%), while in the Centre, the South and the Islands there are declines of around 20% and 30%. The protagonist of the vintage was Peronospora, a fungal disease caused by frequent rains which left many vineyards with no chance, especially in the Centre-South. The Observatory technicians, however, reiterate that Peronospora does not directly influence the quality of healthy grapes, the first bunches harvested intended for sparkling wine bases in fact present good levels of acidity and interesting aromatic frameworks, which give positive oenological prospects. For the other types, the weather conditions in September and October will be decisive, when the bulk of the harvest will take place. The overall volume contraction would lead to the transfer of the world production record to France, whose production is estimated at around 45 million hectoliters a - 2% on 2022. A "pure statistical data", underlines the Observatory, which could prove more or less incisive depending on the climatic trend of the next few weeks, crucial for bringing especially the grapes of the later varieties to optimal ripening.


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