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Federpesca, approval of new control regulation slaps fishing sector in the face

Regret for the approval of the obligation to install cameras on board for fishing vessels over 18 meters in length which present a high risk of non-compliance with the landing obligation

18, Oct 2023

The text of the political agreement on the revision of the Regulation on controls in the fishing sector has been approved. The vote was held on the afternoon of 17 October in the plenary of the European Parliament and the new regulation was approved by MEPs with 438 votes in favour, 146 votes against, 40 abstentions.
Federpesca expresses its regret for the approval of a text which provides for the obligation to install cameras on board for fishing vessels over 18 meters in length which present a high risk of non-compliance with the landing obligation.

“Although the text provides for the possibility of using control tools other than cameras” declares the Director of Federpesca, Francesca Biondo “or that the possibility of identifying individual people in the recorded video material should be limited and that the recording of cameras should only be permitted in relation to the gear and parts of the ships in which fishing products are brought on board, handled and stored, it is absolutely undeniable that this provision is detrimental to the dignity of this sector and the rights of workers on board. In recent years, Federpesca has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the formulation of this Regulation, also through the presentation of various amendments. However, the efforts to improve the text have not avoided an approach that shows how the voices of fishermen, although strong and numerous, have not been listened to" concluded Director Biondo.

We sincerely thank the Hon. Rosanna Conte for the commitment she has always shown to defend the Italian fishing sector - once again demonstrated during her speech in the plenary session of the European Parliament on the evening of 16 October - and against an approach that presumes the guilt of fishing operators. A measure that is unprecedented in any other production sector and which compromises the dignity of a category of workers who have already had to face so many sacrifices in recent years. We also thank the Hon. Tardino and the Hon. I want the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament for having expressed their opposition during the voting phase.

Once formally adopted by the Council of the EU, the regulation will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal. However, several measures will be implemented gradually, giving Member States and fishing fleets time to adapt.


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