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Fishing on the Garda lake

The meeting between the Councillors of Lombardy, Veneto, Province of Trento

08, Feb 2024

“It was a positive meeting for the future of fishing on Lake Garda. Veneto, Lombardy and the Autonomous Province of Trento have demonstrated that they are in harmony, not only will a new regulation on fishing for the entire lake arrive shortly, the result of joint work, but a joint study will also be launched, which will serve to provide useful elements for the management of some species of great interest for the world of fishing, such as whitefish, shad and perch. Together with Lombardy and Trento, as the Veneto Region we have renewed the request to see the whitefish recognized as a par-autochthonous species, considering its importance for fishing in Lake Garda and given its centuries-old acclimatization in the lake's waters. A request that the Veneto Region formalized last December with a letter sent by the President of the Veneto and addressed to the Minister of the Environment".
This was said by the regional fisheries councilor, Cristiano Corazzari, after Monday's meeting at the Desenzano hatchery, with the fisheries councilors of the Lombardy Region, Alessandro Beduschi, of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Roberto Failoni, and with the Community of Garda, represented by the president, Mariastella Gelmini and by the vice president Filippo Gavazzoni.

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