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Norwegian salmon: for Italians it’s all about sustainability and well-being at the table

At the annual seminar on Norwegian salmon organised by the Norwegian Seafood Council, market trends in Italy, future scenarios for the sector and new habits of Italian consumers were illustrated

20, Jun 2024

At the annual Norwegian salmon seminar organised by the Norwegian Seafood Council, held on Tuesday 18 June at the Hotel NH Collection Milano City Life, market trends in Italy, future scenarios for the sector, and the new habits of Italian consumers were illustrated. Italy is the third largest market for Norwegian salmon in the world, behind only Germany and the United States. It was also highlighted how Norwegian exports to Italy have experienced extraordinary growth: almost +190% in terms of volume from 2008 to 2023. Today, however, we can see how the international political and economic scenario is influencing Italians' consumption: price increases are a major concern and the financial situation of citizens has a great influence on the products they buy and their out-of-home experiences. As far as the salmon market is concerned, the data presented by the CPS GfK Consumer Panel research “Overview of Shopper behaviour in FMCG and Salmon” showed that the Italian customer remains a loyal consumer with an average frequency of purchase of 7.2 times over the last year and a penetration of 69.1% of total Italian households. Salmon thus remains among the favourite foods of Italians and, in particular, a preference for smoked salmon was highlighted.

The Norwegian salmon seminar was also an opportunity to celebrate, together with Chef Hirohiko Shoda, the ambassador of Japanese cuisine in Italy and known as Chef Hiro, International Sushi Day, the holiday dedicated to the world's best-known Japanese dish and much loved by Italians.

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