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General meeting of Asprocarne members

Turnover grows again to close to 30 million euro

30, May 2024

Yesterday, Wednesday 29 May 2024, in the splendid setting of ‘Cascina Reale’ in Fossano (CN), the annual general meeting of Asprocarne Piemonte members was held.

The Assembly opened with a greeting from President Franco Martini to the members and representatives of the trade union organisations present: Coldiretti Piemonte, Cia Piemonte and Confcooperative.

The meeting then moved on to the approval of the balance sheet for the 2023 financial year, which showed growth figures for all the most important indicators, starting from the turnover, which increased by 35% compared to the previous year, reaching almost 30 million euros, as well as the net assets, just under 600,000 euros, and the profit for the year of about 7,000 euros.

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