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Assica, audition in Senate on Dl Agriculture

Calderone: ‘Implement plans to combat Psa’. Pallavicini: ‘Adjustments on unfair practices’

04, Jun 2024

On 29 May, ASSICA's top management participated in the Senate, at the Industry and Agriculture Commission, in the hearing on the DL Agricoltura. Director Davide Calderone drew the Senators' attention to the urgency of implementing the regulatory provisions and plans on PSAs, possibly giving the Commission structure full powers of intervention, overcoming limitations and red tape that the supply chain can no longer afford. ‘The situation is urgent and requires immediate action,’ Assica's Publi Affairs, Giovannibattista Pallavicini, stressed in a post on Linkedin.

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Roma, RM, Italia, 03/06/2024 13:13
EFA News - European Food Agency

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