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Emissioni Industriali IED: esclusi i bovini dal campo di applicazione della rirettiva

Tomei, Assocarni: "Grande gioco di squadra"

30, Nov 2023

Late on Tuesday 28 November 2023, negotiators from the EU Parliament and the European Council reached a provisional political agreement with the European Commission on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). In particular, a temporary agreement was reached which excludes cattle farms from the scope of application of the IED directive, which the European Commission had decided to include, equating them to industrial plants.
“We are extremely satisfied” - declared the General Director of Assocarni François Tomei - “because above all it is reasonableness that has triumphed and with a bit of pride I believe” - continued Tomei - “it is above all an Italian victory. In fact, our country has carried out an action of moral suasion at a political level, convincing the European institutions and other member states of the serious consequences of including the bovine, an animal which carries out territorial protection, in a directive which concerns industrial plants. At the European Council last March, our Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratin together with the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida whom I thank" - continued Tomei - "were alone in having an intransigent position in asking for the exclusion of cattle from the field of application of the IED Directive. It seemed like an impossible task.” “Then” – continues Tomei – “there was an equally fundamental action by our European Parliamentarians who in a bipartisan manner voted for the exclusion of cattle, demonstrating that they knew how to work as a team as a country system.”
“Finally” – concludes Tomei – “the green narrative of recent years is waning. The wars and pandemics of recent months, together with galloping inflation, are bringing our European legislator back in the direction of reasonableness."


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