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Livestock industry demands to Minister Lollobrigida

Beef cattle convention today in Rovigo

24, May 2024

Today is an important day for us farmers – said Alessandro De Rocco, President of OI Intercarneitalia in presenting the conference program to the press with the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Lollobrigida and the President of the Senate Agriculture Commission, Sen. Luca De Carlo , because we have the opportunity to finally present the project that we have been carrying out for some time.

I say "finally" because this is the first time a Minister of Agriculture has attended a cattle breeders' conference.

I therefore hope that this is positive and opens the way for future meetings at Masaf to represent the needs of our world, increasingly tormented by fake news and reckless attacks on social media by those who have the sole aim of shutting us down.

These, in summary, are our 5 main requests:

1. ESTABLISHMENT AT MASAF of a Table for Bovine Animal Husbandry. Adoption of the «National Beef Plan» for the drafting of a SECTOR PLAN for beef cattle breeding to be approved by the State-Regions Conference;

2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BEEF MEAT CMO to encourage the aggregation and development of recognized beef producer organisations;

3. INTEGRATE Ecoscheme 1 and Coupled Aid, introducing certification with a recognized "Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability" specification into the PSN from 2025 (already notified and available within the SQNZ);

4. Develop the «NATIONAL ZOOTECHNIC QUALITY SYSTEM» (DM 16/12/2022), providing it with adequate financial resources, for the dissemination and promotion of ALL certified productions;

5. Amend the «FOOD SOVEREIGNTY» Decree, make it structural, increasing financial resources (to encourage the increase in resellers born in Italy).

These 5 points – concludes De Rocco – represent the future for us and for our companies, but not only for the entire supply chain.

OI IntercarneItalia

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