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Eurobarometer: more animal welfare in EU states

The main results of the opinion poll Attitudes of Europeans towards animal welfare

27, Oct 2023

90% of European citizens demand "basic ethical requirements" for the welfare of farmed animals and greater protection in all Member States. Stella Kyriakides (EU Commission) new legislation "in line with scientific evidence and compatible with the agro-livestock sector". Three quarters of those interviewed ask to protect the well-being of companion animals too.

A large majority of Europeans (84%) are convinced that the welfare of farmed animals should be better protected in their country. 83% are in favor of limiting the duration of animal transport. 90% ask for basic ethical rules for farming practices. These are some of the main results of the opinion survey Attitudes of Europeans towards animal welfare, conducted by Eurobarometer in March this year, on behalf of the European institutions, with interviews with approximately 23 thousand citizens in the 27 Member States. The results have been published, also divided into national detailed sheets.

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EUROBAROMETRO_-_Benessere_animale_-_Report_2023.pdf11.99 MB


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