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Assosuini: maximum solidarity with farmers against the EU's absurd green policies

The cut in diesel and vehicle tax subsidies for farmers was therefore the straw that broke the camel's back.

23, Jan 2024

Even in Germany, farmers and breeders can no longer stand being mistreated by absurd policies, seen as the absolute evil for the climate and the environment, taken for granted when you go to the supermarket and find the shelves full. And so, since yesterday and for a few other days our German colleagues have joined the protests that have been taking place in Europe for months: from France to the Netherlands, against the suffocating "green" policies of the EU, testifying that these represent a threat to the European agricultural sector. Today is the day in which the mobilization should reach its peak, which began in the early hours of the morning of Monday 8 January 2024 with a procession of over 600 tractors marching on Berlin and other German cities, with the aim of peacefully blocking the traffic and paralyze roads and highways in several regions across the country until January 15th.

The week-long strike stems from the decision by Olaf Sholz's "traffic light" government to cut agricultural subsidies, such as agricultural diesel fuel subsidies, and to repeal the exemption of agricultural vehicles from car tax, thus weakening a sector already heavily affected by inflation and downward competition from neighboring Poland. “We are reducing subsidies that are harmful to the climate by an amount of 3 billion euros,” declared Finance Minister Christian Lindner, justifying the decision from a green perspective, so dear to the EU commission, also announcing an increase in the tax on CO2 for the combustion of fuel or gas from 30 to 45 euros per ton.

This immediately triggered angry protests from farmers, already exasperated by decades of anti-agricultural policy and continuous attacks on the sector, denouncing that they were below the survival threshold. In fact, there are no electric tractors and agricultural vehicles can only be powered by diesel. Cutting tax aid on diesel and vehicles for farmers, as a result, was the straw that broke the camel's back. Assosuini obviously supports farmers and breeders in this protest. In fact, it is they, it is us who continue to produce food with difficulty, with almost no profit margins left, strangled by absurd policies. Continuing to penalize, attack and denigrate this fundamental sector with the excuse of green and climate will only lead to problems, starting with poverty, abandoned areas and food insecurity.


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