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France rejects decree banning calling vegetable meat steak

The State Council said no to the ban that was to come into force on 1 May

12, Apr 2024

This time we Italians have the upper hand. We are not talking about the Tour de France but about the fight against food counterfeiting, which also passes through stances against synthetic meat. And so, while in Italy not only the law against Frankenstein meat has already been approved, but also the one prohibiting meat sounding, i.e. forbidding to call steak something that comes from cultivated organisms, France is wavering. This was confirmed by the French Council of State, which once again suspended a government decree proposing to ban food producers from using vegetable-based meat names.
The Supreme Administrative Court said it had "serious doubts about the legality" of the ban, which was due to come into force on 1 May.

Fc - 39838
Parigi, Francia, 11/04/2024 18:10
EFA News - European Food Agency

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