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Marca by BolognaFiere 2023, day one

The presentation of IRi data on consumption and the Nomisma Observatory on packaging in the LC

18, Jan 2023

While the Italians’ shopping trolley in 2022 had to cope with high inflation and the cut in promotional pressure applied by modern organised distribution chains, within it the private label is gaining ground, confirming itself as the consumer's preferred alternative in this period of crisis in which first the pandemic, then the war and finally the ride of inflation have turned the world upside down.

The picture of the decisive role of MDD in 2022 can be found in the 19th MarcabyBolognaFiere Report edited by IRi-Information Resources, illustrated this morning during the 19th edition of the event. Marca by BolognaFiere, organised in collaboration with ADM and under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Bologna Chamber of Commerce, is the only trade fair dedicated to private label in Italy, the great showcase where food and non-food products of Italian excellence are exhibited at Marca del Distributor, but also a meeting and discussion venue where data and trends in the sector are illustrated and discussed.

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