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Published in Chinese “La Scienza in cucina e l’Arte di mangiar bene”

The work of Pellegrino Artusi is confirmed as an ambassador of Italian culture in the world

01, Mar 2024

After several editions and re-editions in Catalan, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and German, “La Scienza in cucina e l’Arte di mangiar bene” by the Italian writer and gastronome Pellegrino Artusi, first published in 1891, is now published in Chinese, confirming its status as a successful literary work and ambassador of Italian culture in the world.

With its 790 recipes, collected by the author with patient passion over long years and countless journeys, “l’Artusi” is the most famous and widely read book on Italian cuisine, the one from which all the great chefs of the last century have drawn inspiration and suggestions.

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