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Vinòforum celebrates 20 years

From 9 to 18 June in Rome

06, Jun 2023

At Tor di Quinto Park, on the northern outskirts of the capital, a well-established wine event is back on the scene, on its twentieth birthday: Vinòforum, an event entirely dedicated to quality wine and food, at the next edition - from 9 to 18 June - with ten evenings of tastings, spaces for haute cuisine, signature pizza and mixology.
Fixed and reconfirmed appointment also with the Wine Top Tastings, a series of guided tastings in the presence of important testimonials to tell the story of the most fascinating cellars and terroirs on the Italian scene. In addition, ten dinners in the presence of renowned chefs, by reservation, who will present their creative recipes paired with cocktails by Massimo D'Addezio. But good food will be the protagonist of the Rome Food Experience, another stage of Vinòforum 2023, an idea that aims to enhance the best restaurants in the capital with traditional menus and dishes, but also meetings and seminars with cooking professionals.
At the last edition, last June, 51 thousand presences of enthusiasts were registered (and 2,500 labels for tasting from 800 wineries, 15 thousand sector operators, etc.) numbers that bode well for the organization that expects for the first 20 years of life a truly special edition, "which crowns twenty years of dissemination of excellent wine and gastronomy - comments Emiliano De Venuti, CEO of Vinòforum - and which every year involves a growing number of enthusiasts and operators, increasingly inclined to taste curious and knowledgeable, without neglecting business-oriented activities reserved for a specialized public”.Info

by Massimiliano Rella

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