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FAO: crackdown on illegal fishing

In Bali, the Summit of the Parties to the Port State Measures Agreement

16, May 2023

Step up efforts to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (INN) fishing by expanding vessel inspections, exchanging global information, and enhancing capacity building states. This is what the parties to the FAO agreement on port state measures (PSMA) of the United Nations have agreed.

The fourth meeting of the parties, hosted by the Indonesian government in Bali (May 8-12), approved a strategy to encourage PSMA membership. The parties also agreed to bring the Global Information Exchange System (GIES), a digital system developed by FAO at the request of the parties, from its current pilot phase to a fully operational system by the end of this year.

"FAO is working with countries and regional fisheries management organizations to combat INN fisheries, reviewing national legislation, identifying ways to strengthen their institutional capacity and help them improve their monitoring and surveillance systems, so that they can effectively implement PSMA and other international instruments to promote sustainable fisheries,” said Manuel Barange, director of FAO's fisheries and aquaculture division.

Currently, one in three fish stocks are overexploited. With the growing demand for aquatic feed, it is vital to ensure that all supplies are managed sustainably.

PSMA has the highest membership rate of all international fishing instruments. This is the first binding international agreement aimed at preventing, deterring and eliminating INN fishing by preventing foreign vessels engaged in it from using the ports, landing their catches and even denying them entry.

So far, 75 parties have joined PSMA, with the European Union as the only party on behalf of its member states. This represents 59% of port states globally. East Timor became the latest party to the deal late last month.

The Global Information Exchange System (GIES) plays a key role in supporting the implementation of the PSMA. It is a global system that shares vital information, including inspection reports and actions taken on foreign vessels engaged in the INN fishery.

"We need streamlined information exchange and digitization for PSMA to effectively combat INN fisheries," said Matthew Camilleri, senior fisheries officer and team leader for global and regional fisheries processes in the fisheries and aquaculture division of the INN. fao.

At their fourth meeting, the parties to PSMA pledged to further support the global capacity building programme, which has so far supported more than 50 developing states in enhancing their capacity to combat INN fisheries.
The Psma entered into force in June 2016 and the meeting of the parties is convened every two years to discuss issues relating to the implementation of the agreement. The fourth meeting of the parties received financial support from the Norwegian government.

Bali, Indonesia, 15/05/2023 11:58
EFA News - European Food Agency

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