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Veneto, fish industry: new tender PO FEAMP 2014-2020

To compensate companies in the fishing and aquaculture sector damaged by the economic consequences of the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine

03, May 2023

On the proposal of the Regional Councilor for Fisheries, the Regional Council has given the go-ahead to a new tender PO EMFF 2014-2020 aimed at compensating companies in the fishing and aquaculture sector damaged by the economic consequences of the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine. The budget is 1,198,084 euros. The application for support must be completed and presented through the Unified Information System of Unitary Programming (SIU) of the Region by 6 pm on 15 May.

For fishing companies, financial compensation is eligible for each fishing vessel, at sea or in inland waters, in activity between 24 February 2022 and 31 December 2022, proportional to the engine power, while aquaculture companies will be able to request a contribution for each plant active in the same reference period, proportional to the size of livestock production.

"The crisis in Ukraine has hit companies in the fishing and aquaculture sector hard due to the considerable cost of diesel - the Regional Fisheries Councilor intervenes - These are companies that were already on their knees due to the fallout from the pandemic, and which find yourself dealing with a new major crisis. The financial endowment of the call is 1.2 million euros but the Veneto Region will initiate a formal request to the Ministry to obtain additional funds and meet all the applications presented as much as possible ".

"The request to be able to have additional resources to deal with the serious crisis had come, a year ago, from the sector operators themselves - recalls the Regional Councilor - It was part of the package of proposals presented by the category, proposals that the Veneto Region has signed and conveyed to the Government, in the belief that in our territory fishing and aquaculture is a sector of primary importance above all for related activities and for employment, and we cannot afford to see companies close down due to excessively high costs".

The expiring one is the last of the tenders that fall under the 2014-2020 EMFF OP, thirteen in all, for a total budget of 45 million euros. At the end of the year, the tenders for the new programming, PO FEAMPA 2021-2027, approved by the European Union last November, will start.

Press release no. 789-2023 (FISHING)
Veneto region

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